Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Balance and coordination

Balance boarding is not just a trendy and surfy fringe sport, but covers a wide range of interests and promises countless training variations.

Balance boarding falls into the category of proprioceptive training. This is the cooperation of all the senses of the body with the brain. Sensory cells of the skin (sense of touch) and the vestibular organs (sense of balance) as well as the proprioceptors are responsible for the perception of one's own body. The proprioceptors are receptor cells of the deep sensitivity, which are located in the muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints and transmit the information to the brain during balancing. 

Therefore, during balance and coordination exercises, the position, posture, and location of the body is communicated to the brain, whereupon the appropriate adjustments to body position and posture automatically follow.

It has also been proven that patients with knee or foot complaints reduce the risk of recurrent injury through proprioceptive training. 

Learn more now: https://www.mecosboards.ch/ 

PS: Follow MECOS BOARDS on Instagram and benefit from great offers! 

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